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2030 Compass CoLab will elicit input from a group of invited experts to gain insights into synergies and trade-offs between the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The exercise is slated to begin in April 2021 and will consist of three one-week long phases. The workings of each phase are laid out below. 

Week 1: April 26-May 2

Participants will be invited to contribute their ideas about interactions between SDGs; in particular, they be asked for their judgment about how characteristics of countries or regions, called factors (such as level of development, governance practice, material footprint, or natural resource endowment) can be expected to influence these interactions. 

They submission form will ask participants to provide the following information:

  • Which SDG interaction is being assessed (e.g. impact of success in acheiving SDG 3 on likelihood of acheiving SDG 12).
  • Which factor (e.g. gross national income, governance effectiveness, fresh water supply, etc.) is being addressed.
  • Interaction score on a scale from -3 (highly conflicting) to +3 (highly complemetary) for countries/regions that are at three varying levels on that factor: high (top quartile), medium (median), and low (bottom quartile). See Figure 1 below for a table that provides details on the -3 to +3 rating scale. 
  • Brief description of how the factor under consideration, and variations in its level, can be expected to influence the interaction between the chosen pair of SDGs. 

During the first week, participants will be invited to make contributions within their area of primary expertise.  

Week 2: May 3-May 9

During the second week of the exercise, partcipants will be invited to make the same kinds of contributions as during Week 1, except they will be invited to venture outsdie of their area of close expertise and submit ideas in realms where they have some knowledge but are not their primary specialty. 

Week 3: May 10-May 16

Participants will be invited to comment on and support ides submited by others they find interesting.  Supporting is akin to liking on Facebook.

In addition, if submissions by others spur new thinking, participants will be invited to make new contributions. 

The organizing team will also invite participants to fill in gaps where submissions during the first two weeks have been relatively sparse.